Monday, June 4, 2007

Mentally Prepare for Labor

Your body is doing a great job getting physically ready for labor. Now make sure you're doing your part to MENTALLY prepare for the labor too!

Tip #1: Find Your “Happy Place”
Where is the one place that you feel most at peace? Maybe it’s a specific setting, like at your favorite cafĂ© or sitting on a blanket in the middle of the park. Whatever or wherever you feel most at place is going to be your “happy place” in your mind. Practice focusing on that place where you feel calm and at peace with yourself. Hold those feelings for several minutes before you open your eyes. When you begin to feel anxious, close your eyes, take a deep breath and go to your happy place.

Tip #2: Envision a Calm Labor
Don’t let your mind run wild with all the stories you’ve heard other women talk about. Each labor is unique and much of it depends on how well you personally cope with it. What is the best possible way you would like your labor to go? Capture that in your mind. Think on it. Envision a happy, calm labor.

Tip #3: Practice Positive Thinking
It’s very easy to get wrapped up in negative thoughts about your labor. You’re already anxious about the coming day. Don’t allow negative thoughts to creep up and make you more nervous. Practice positive thinking. One way to do this is to speak positive affirmations every time you start thinking negative. Here are a few affirmations for you to practice:
  • “I am strong and able to birth my child in a calm and positive environment.”
  • “I can remain calm, even in the midst of this emotional time.”
  • “I am the best mother for my child.”

Write your own positive affirmations and practice them daily.

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